প্রচ্ছদ English What Mohammad Shahjalal said for the young generation of entrepreneurs

What Mohammad Shahjalal said for the young generation of entrepreneurs

Mohammad Shahjalal is a well-known name in today’s society. He is now a successful entrepreneur. Mohammad was born in Meghna upazila of Comilla district. Mohammad Shahjalal started freelancing in 2017. At first, things didn’t go well for Mohammad Shahjalal. No one liked Mohammad Shahjalal to use the computer all day and spend time online. Currently, he earns a good amount of money online.

Mohammad Shahjalal

With changing times many people want to work with Mohammad Shahjalal and learn new things. When Mohammad Shahjalal was asked in an interview why he did not go into any other profession in the freelancing profession, Mohammad Shahjalal, Freelancing is a profession where there is nothing to feel bad about. All work can be done independently. Also, a transparent service can always be provided. Which is not in any other profession.

In other professions, you won’t be punished too much for your minor mistakes. That’s why many times we don’t give 100%.

But a mistake in freelancing will cost you dearly. So you will do every work with 100% transparency. This is one of the reasons for choosing this profession.
Besides, I want to do something independently. I don’t want to be dependent on others. Whatever I do, I do it for myself. The sub-charges that I will have in this will be fully Amari. Through freelancing, I earn enough while continuing my Expatriate. Which is unimaginable in the job market of Bangladesh. That’s why I came to freelancing instead of other professions.

Shahjalal addressed the unemployment of youth-The number of educated unemployed in the country is increasing day by day. It is easy to imagine that the prospect of a global recession in the coming year will further increase unemployment numbers. Even though the youth of our country are getting a formal education, they are not utilizing their talents properly. They are not making themselves experts in different subjects. I think today’s educated youth should make themselves skilled in various jobs. Instead of running after a job, you should make use of those skills and make a career in freelancing. It may be a little difficult in the beginning. But slowly when the work starts coming and money is earned then the benefits will be easily felt.

At present, when a young person who has passed Honours-Masters starts a job, his salary is estimated to be 20 thousand takes. In some cases, it is even less. But a freelancer can earn this amount of money in seven days. So instead of running after a job, learn freelancing and arrange your own job.